Published on 25 November 2022 at 18:25

I grew up with my five (5) siblings, we didn't have money but, I had big dreams and I was determined to make those dreams a reality. I learn very early how to work hard and grew to pride myself on my workaholic tendency. this attitude would exhaust me both mentally and physically, but I was determined. my work ethic drove me to become an entrepreneur. 

I had a burning passion to inspire and motivate but, I never knew how to execute, or should I say I couldn't find the courage to execute, instead of doing what I'm passionate about I tried to take an easier route to success which turns out to be all failure for me, sometimes I felt stocked and lost.  but God woke me up and took be back to what I'm passionate about, it is my purpose, to inspire, motivate and help others to discover their purpose and achieve goals.


A TIP FOR YOU: Stop muscling your way through life and say YES to your calling, that is the first step towards your breakthrough. 


Kernifer S. Spiropulos

Author & Christian life Coach 

Bold Step Christian Life Coach

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12 days ago

This is no Christian she is a pure devil with evil intentions do not trust her!!!!